Restaurant Survival Guide

Hi loves!

I put this guide together to help YOU stick to your game plan and eat healthy no matter WHERE you go out to eat. Try out these helpful tips next time you go out to a restaurant, and don’t want to clock it in as a cheat meal :)

1) Check out the menu at home first. Plan what you are going to eat and how you are going to ask the waiter to customize your meal. This is not always possible, but do this when you know ahead of time where you will be dining. 

If the restaurant does not have many healthy options and you think you may tempted to fall off plan, consume at least one of following before you leave the house. This way you will feel more full, and less likely to go overboard with unhealthy fare.

Good options to consume beforehand:

·      Berries, fresh or frozen

·      A banana

·      Small fruit and water smoothie

·      1-2 scoops of protein powder mixed with water

·      a small salad or raw veggies dipped in a dairy-free condiment

·      if all else fails, at least drink a 20-24 fl. oz. of water before you leave 

2) Order a salad first! Get the dressing on the side, and use less than half of what their provisions.

3) When ordering a salad or entrée:

·      Ask for the dressing, sauce, or other topping on the side. 

·      Make sure there is no dairy that comes with the dish. Often it will not be listed in the description but chefs will sprinkle cheese on a dish anyway. Ask for them to leave it out.

·      Ask for it to be cooked with no butter, salt, and no oil or really light oil.

·      Order things grilled, broiled or baked instead.

·      Ask for raw or steamed vegetables, not sautéed

·      If there are no veggies in your order, ask for veggies to be added. You can even ask for extra veggies to add more volume to create a feeling of fullness.

·      If there are ZERO healthy entrée options, and you feel quite hungry, order a half portion.

4) Don’t order soda of any kind. Non-carbonated beverages are better for digestion as well.

5) If you feel you really want dessert: order just one and split it with the table. :)