How to burn fat, build muscle & be plant-based on a lean budget (Sample list)

How to burn fat, build muscle & be plant-based on a lean budget (Sample list)

Yes! You can have all of this and still enjoy what you’re eating.

So while you’ll be cutting back on some of the bougie items for now (I know, green juice is life) you’ll be surprised that you can leave in some others (coconut water anyone?)

Please note: This is a list customized to what I like, i.e.

🥬I have more of a sweet tooth, so if your taste buds are more into, say, salty foods, you’d make those adjustments.

🥬Also, I intermittent fast and eat 2 meals a day. I really love living this way but this is NOT for everyone. I am NOT a proponent of everyone doing IF.

🥬Basic spices, condiments and Vanilla plant-based protein powder are already in my kitchen.

🥬These are San Diego prices. Plan for slight adjustments to your area.

Here’s how I stay lean while still having yummy meals at a low cost:
1 32 oz. carton of unsweetened oat milk coffee creamer
2 boxes of organic power greens
1 pint organic grape tomatoes
2 avocadoes
1 container of almond-milk ricotta (Kite Hill)
1 round of Vegan Mozzarella (Miyoko’s)
Fresh basil
8 oz. of medjool dates
1 jar of organic low-sodium peanut butter
4 large organic loose carrots
1 bottle plant based eggs (JUST)
2 bushels of bananas
1 box of gluten-free organic spaghetti
1 jar of tomato sauce
2 coconut waters
1 64. jug of organic apple juice
1 bag of red lentils
1 large stalk of celery
1 pint of caramel nut cluster cashew milk ice cream (So Delicious)

Tip Amazon delivery person $7

= $78.56

🥬Again remember, this is what works for me. I am a 5’4” woman in her 30’s w/ a somewhat compromised metabolism.

Imagine if I was a hairstylist. Just because I have blond curly hair, should I give everyone who sits down in my chair the same curly blond hairstyle?

As a fitness coach, what I provide for each individual to achieve and maintain their goals is different.

However, with the list above I wanted to provide one example of what is truly possible & affordable to have it all ☺️

Hope this helped! Happy Wednesday ☺️


Lian 💚