The old ways of losing weight don’t work anymore.

(trying to get Jeter to pose last night 🙈🙈) The old ways of losing weight don’t work anymore.

Brutal volumes of exercise
High protein
Waist shapers
High fat
High Chemical consumption
No sugar

Actually, they never did if you are talking about long-term results.

Without other information, women keep slamming their bodies through these regimens, trying to get a long-term result from what only ever created a temporary result, at best.

And this is done over and over and over again, 🎢 🎢 🎢 chasing that original 12 lbs. they lost the very first time they did The South Beach Diet, or Nutrisystem, or Raspberry Ketones.

🎢 Doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity right?

And hitting your metabolism over and over with restriction and over-exercise leads to burnout, breakdown, adrenal failure, and eventually the plan that got you to lose 12 lbs. 2 years ago no longer works at all,

because your body doesn’t trust you and your metabolism is down around your ankles.

💗Let’s stop the madness. Let’s be the powerful, badass, beautiful women that we are and CELEBRATE our bodies, NOT torture them anymore.

💗Nourish our bodies, hydrate them and create movement with them that is self-respecting, loving and actually yields LONG-TERM, SUSTAINABLE, REAL RESULTS.

💗Let’s gain an awareness that each of our bodies are different, and so should be fed and exercised this way accordingly.

💗If you want to discover and learn more about your unique body type, take the body type quiz I created (11 total body types)-

💗Then, if you’d like to learn more about how we treat each physique, schedule taste buds and fitness goals as they should be:

individually, with respect, commitment to the long-term health vision, fun, and with a high-luxury feel too,

Book a free 15-min Discovery Call: I am excited to speak with you about all of your body goals for 2020. ✨ Thanks for reading ☺️💕🥂

P.S. I almost forgot! Cyber Monday sale is going on now. $900 OFF for a 90-day fitness transformation is yours. I will explain more on our call. 🤗 Talk soon ✨