You do NOT have to kill yourself to be fit.⁣⁣

See this chica on the left? That’s my BFF Liana. We coach L3 Method members on how to be super fit and still balance their busy, hectic lives. Li’s a perfect example of this. She’s a wife, mom to a 4 year old son, and has 3 jobs.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣
Last year, Liana wanted to lose 9 lbs and get more toned. She got it done in 2.5 months and hasn’t looked back since.⁣⁣
Does she workout 3–4 hours a day? No. More like 3–4 times per week. ⁣

Does she eat lots of protein? Heck no. She now eats 4–5 bananas a day.⁣⁣
That’s the way we roll at The L3 Method.⁣⁣
6 years ago, I was like Liana, except it was 13 lbs. that I could NOT get the wt off.⁣
I mean, I was a personal trainer for goodness sakes. I was so ashamed and felt like a fraud.⁣⁣
⛔️ But what could I do? I was in my 20’s and had the metabolism of a 75 year old.⁣
⛔️ My body constantly ached from the brutal workouts I had put myself through.⁣
⛔️ I wore a horrid waist trainer, was low-carb and even tried taking steroids. (that only lasted for a week.)⁣⁣
⛔️ I tried cutting every corner, until I said ENOUGH with the madness.⁣
💠 I went back to simplicity.⁣⁣
🌊 I took my time & chose to be gentle.⁣
💎 I learned how to love & care for my body again.⁣⁣
💠 I ditched the supplements and the hours trudging up the stair climber.⁣⁣⁣
🌊 The weight dropped off effortlessly.⁣⁣
💎 I then implemented these strategies with all of my clients. Of course I gave all of this new found knowledge to Liana too. (What are BFFL’s for? ☺️)⁣
6 years later and I haven’t looked back.⁣⁣
👉🏽 Creating fat loss, muscle tone and curves in all the right places gets to be EASY and intuitive. Not rigid, strict or devoid of pleasure.⁣⁣
👉🏽 If your weight loss plan is dependent upon your level of ‘discipline’ you can kiss your results goodbye, b/c they won’t be around for long.⁣⁣
👉🏽 Listen, I don’t have a fast metabolism at all, neither of us are in our 20’s anymore and there are many forms of exercise I don’t do because I’ve had 2 back surgeries.⁣⁣
👉🏽 But I am still here, loving my body, nourishing it and putting it on a pedestal, and showing other women how to do the same.⁣⁣
👉🏽 Because we ALL deserve to feel like the gorgeous QUEENS we are!⁣ 👑 ⁣
If we can have these results, so can you.⁣⁣
If you want to learn more about how we operate at the L3 Method, as well as how YOU can crush your ideal body goals in 2020, book your free discovery call 👉🏽


Lian, Liana & Kirsten⁣

P.S. We have two spots left that will get our $750 off sale. If this post resonates with you, book your call today so you can get this humongo discount.