4️⃣ Easy Ways To Get Fit Under Quarantine
I know, I know. By this point we are all seriously miss doing yoga in 105 degree room, all the cool machines at the gym, our favorite hiking trails, and/or Soul Cycle classes, because, well, #tapitback 💦
But we can still get in incredible shape from home. You see, the magic✨ is in using small daily elements to prime our subconscious to get the result we desire. Check it out:
1️⃣Get dressed up. 💄💋
If you are working from home and wearing sweats every day, it’s easy to subconsciously slide and start eating more junk food, because hey, no one’s going to see us, and any extra bulge is amply covered by our roomy loungewear.
Book a Zoom date with friends or family and put on a cute outfit. Do your hair and makeup, just like as if you were meeting in person.
I have been doing this 1-2x per week and it has helped me stay sane for sure. : ) Plus, our jeans never lie, do they? Lol.
2️⃣Turn your workouts into a party. 💃🏼🎧
Change your emotional state fast by putting on your fave dance music and turning it up a little louder than usual. We want your subconscious mind to associate your home workouts with fun, happiness, and play.
Embody Cardi B & City Girls and Twerk it out between sets. Make sure you are smiling the whole time! Hey listen, desperate times call for desperate measures :D Besides, when would you ever attempt this at the gym?!
If you are having trouble getting motivated to workout at home, remember why you started your fitness journey in the first place.
Remember how healthy, gorgeous and WORTHY you are. Worthy of your own time, continued healthy and vitality, and of your own transformation.
3️⃣Stay in your routine. 🛏 🌅
I found myself really needing boundaries around this one these last few weeks. Because for many right now there is less structure and more time, staying up way later watching our favorite shows can cause us to sleep in way later too.
By resuming your usual routine and going to bed at a reasonable time, waking up early, and completing tasks earlier in the day, you will automatically feel more accomplished and your subconscious will feel as though there is more stability and predictability.
4️⃣Journal. 📖🖊
Now more than ever a majority of us have time to sit with our feelings and examine what is coming up for us from deep within our subconscious. This is a tremendous gift.
Remember that every action is preceded by a feeling. This is true of inaction also. If you have been feeling resistant to doing the things you know will help you get into shape, those feelings can be explored now without judgement.
If this resonates with you, here are some journal prompts to work through some of this:
“What is it about getting fit that actually scares me?”
“What about committing to my fitness plan makes me the most nervous?”
“What memories are these fears tied to?”
“Are these beliefs mine, or were they passed down to me by someone else?”
I hope this was supportive. Sending you my love, stay safe and healthy today 🤍