Pandemic Princess vs Quarantine Queen ✨
👀 Pandemic Princess is paranoid.
👁 Quarantine Queen remains quietly prepared.
👀 Pandemic Princess buys out entire rows of products at the grocery store, hoarding everything in an apartment by herself, just in case.
👁 Quarantine Queen takes only what she needs; she wants there to be enough to go around.🙏🏽
👀 PP is freaking out 👉🏽her roots are growing in, her nails are all chipped & her tanning salon is closed indefinitely. She looks in the mirror & thinks, “I’m so pale & gross.”
👁 QQ knows she is a Goddess no matter what self-care practices have been put on pause. She loves and appreciates her own natural beauty.💜
👀 PP’s eyes hurt from bingewatching Tiger King.
👁 QQ meditates, future casts, & prays. She is on a quest to find the beautiful truth that lies within.🔥
👀 PP is focused exclusively on her own needs.
👁 QQ focuses out & calls elderly neighbors to see if she can delivery some groceries.
👀 PP says, “Fork it, I need some exercise!” She jumps in the ocean with her surfboard & is issued a $1K ticket from an officer on a jet ski.
👁 QQ brings a warm blanket & sits at respectful distance, taking the time to clear her mind, be still & breathe in the fresh ocean air. 🌊
👀 PP cries out, “Why is this happening to me??”
👁 QQ softly whispers, “I know this is all happening FOR me.”
👀 PP thinks, “No one’s on the road, let’s speed! I need my thrills right now, I’m so freaking bored!”
👁 QQ looks at the bigger picture and thinks, “What if something went wrong & I ended up selfishly taking a hospital bed at a time like this?”
So she drives the speed limit, knowing that, even if only in a small way, she is doing her part. 🙏🏽
👀 PP says, “2019, come back! I didn’t mean to talk all that sh*t about you!!
👁 QQ says, “2020 is STILL my year to glow up. It just may look different than how I originally envisioned.✨
👀 PP wishes we could fast forward to when this is all over.
👁 QQ knows that life is precious, & that every moment, even the quiet, still ones, count. 💜